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1 Translation result for rack up in Spanish


rack up verb

unfavorite favorite
(informal) cosechar, acumular, juntar

Example sentences of
rack up verb

  • having racked up a huge number of points in the short program, the figure skater would have to have a disastrous long program in order to mis
  • racked up their second consecutive Super Bowl victory
  • having racked up a huge number of points in the short program, the figure skater would have to have a disastrous long program in order to miss out on a medal

rack noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
estante; potro (instrumento de la tortura)

Synonyms of
rack noun

Reverse translation for rack up

cosechar  (informal)
acumular  - to accumulate, to amass 
juntar  - to unite, to combine, to put together, to collect, to gather together, to assemble, to close partway 
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